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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

108 - Basements as Living Conditioned Space

How do you transform below-grade full foundations (also variously called pits, cellars, or basements and historically meant to be or tolerated as damp and cool and dark) into true living-conditioned spaces? We say add four continuous control layers, access to daylight and egress, thermal comfort, and good acoustics—make it a place to thrive as well as live (and even escape).

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

107 - Steve's Mantras: Go Slow to Go Fast & Identify Problems BEFORE Moving to Solutions

It's funny that Steve, a very nuts-n-bolts guy, hosts this largely philosophical episode. But all three of us agree:

Separate symptoms from causes—It's easy to get distracted or engrossed in symptoms, but the causes lead to solutions.

Solutions come much easier if you first identify the problem(s).

Step back to move forward. It's always tempting to jump on the "obvious" solution, but it pays to understand completely before offering solutions.

This episode's strength is how each of us—architect, builder, building investigator—uses the approach above to improve our jobs.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

106 - WTF: Off-Site Building & Owner-GC?

Who would have thought that our buddy Steve would be more than OK with both off-site building and the homeowner acting as their own General Contractor. But combining Superior Walls for the foundation with Harvest Homes for all of the framing means the GC homeowner is dealing with far fewer trade contractors. Steve, Jake, and Pete walk through the advantages and challenges of offsite building.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

104 - High Performance Homebuilding in Austin TX with Risinger BUILD's Tim Hill

Tim Hill of Risinger build--Austin homebuilder for over 40 years--teamed up with Matt some 10+ years ago. Tim details his company's approach to architects, customers, and trades, including featuring building science in ALL aspects of their building company. The conversation aptly starts with the job site trailer carrying a Goodman mobile dehumidification unit parked just outside the build studio to the way in which Risinger build embraces remodeling in no small part because it provides such valuable feedback on how their homes perform over time.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

103 - Pre-cast Foundations

One of the most interesting ways to accomplish a high-performance below-grade wall is with Precast Concrete panels. Both Steve and Pete have worked on projects using Superior Walls, the leading US manufacturer of these panels. Certainly, it is not the least expensive way to do a foundation, but this system has a ton of advantages: it is completely engineered by the manufacturer, no cast footing is needed, and it can be completed in a day (REGARDLESS of the weather…).

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

101 - Q&A - 2024 #2 - Open Joint Claddings

The boys INTEND to tackle TWO submitted questions but only manage one: Are open-joint claddings better moisture-managed better than traditional lap claddings? This episode is quite the mix of banter, building science, and building history. And note that the last resource in the list below is a great short video with Joe Lstiburek of Building Science Corporation on open-joint claddings.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

100 - Q&A - 2024 #1

Listener Bill B poses this question and the boys run with it for the whole podcast: "Can you share the details and the reasons for installing flangeless windows in different planes of deep wall assemblies?" Lots to consider here in terms of ALL of the control layers and their continuity.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

99 - Site Hydrology? Steve puts on his hydrologic engineer hat; Jake & Pete add their thinking caps...

You know the boys get weepy over water pretty easily, but Steve's focus on starting with the site drives this podcast. The site is the context for the building, and broadening to site water management can really take the load off of building assembly water management. This podcast is all about digging deeper into building (sorry, just could not resist...).

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

97 - Custom Builder Round Table - "Subcontractors: Vetting, Getting, Keeping and even Honing Your Build Team"

Jake and his builder team--Luke Mann, (Rangeline Homes), Shane Durkin (Patriot High Performance Homes), and Jackson Andrews (Jackson Andrews Building + Design)--work through all sorts of cool, key approaches to consider with your trades:

· Paying subs in 21 days

· Scheduling a site visit for a new potential sub

· Pulling subs into the bidding process

· Using suppliers to evaluate potential new subs

· Trade team kickoff meeting to get everyone on the same page/schedule

· Setting up debriefs to keep things going well

· Reducing risk with a stronger trade team

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

96 - Custom Builder Round Table - Company Structure

Jake takes his builder team--Luke Man, (Rangeline Homes), Shane Durkin (Patriot High-Performance Homes), and Jackson Andrews (Jackson Andrews Building + Design)--through this final topic with questions like:

- Do you want your company to grow? (These guys vary in size from 2 to 16...)

- How do you decide when to hire and who to hire?

- Are you working in the business or on the business?

- Do you have a company culture that suits your team and clients?

- How do you delegate/empower/"let go" as your company changes or grows?

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

94 - BS Summer Camp 2023: Kohta Ueno

This is Q&A with Adult Supervision: Kohta Ueno. Kohta is so efficient we nailed SIX building enclosure questions: Listener Gagan - reconfiguring existing walls with new control layers; Listener Bill: the need for dedicated vent space with vertical metal siding on ICF walls; Listener Michael - rainscreens for roofs instead of walls; Listener Sean - best detail for using mineral wool (exterior continuous rigid insulation) on a roof; Listener Miles - hip roof in Arkansas best practice: vented roof, vented attic, what type of insulation; Pete asks Kohta's cut on ORNL's new BuildingScienceAdvisor.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

93 - Custom Builder Round Table - "Ideal Client"

Jake hooks up with the same custom builder team

Luke Mann - Rangeline Homes

Jackson Andrews - Building & Design

Shane Durkin, Patriot High-Performance Homes

For a roundtable discussion on the ideal client. Key topics include vetting clients by matching company strengths to client expectations and budget; the two-way street of trust and respect; the importance of references or background checks (they go both ways); pre-construction services to move the project forward; and finally, red both warnings AND opportunities.

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

92 - Q&A with Adult Supervision: OSB Structural Panels

Guest Reuben Rudisill is Huber's Research, Development, & Innovation engineer, joining Jake & Pete from the Building Science Corporation Summer Symposium in Westford, MA. Jake & Pete know just enough to get in trouble when it comes to structural details of ZIP, ZIP-R, and Advantech Huber OSB panels, so Reuben quite gently sets these guys straight on how high-performance OSB is manufactured and tested, how fasteners are as important as the panels, and what you can and cannot do with each of Huber's panels. The podcast does close out nicely with how important friendships are in the building business world (we could get this "touchy-and-feely" because Steve was "missing" for this podcast...).

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Jay Yerxa Jay Yerxa

90 - "Good Fellows" Tools We Use Every Day In Our Work

Steve calls SketchUp his electronic clay model which he can use with his builder, his enclosure consultant, and his clients. Pete gives up the dirt on WebSoilSurvey, the 1st tool he uses on every project design/spec review. Jake heads home for his favorite tool - his new Aarow Building office. Last but not least: Steve returns with his 2nd favorite tool--the field. Getting out to job sites and seeing his design work play out as a process--no substitute and this tool is key to Pete and Jake as well.

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