87 - Residential Water Efficiency - Can we save water AND get high performance?

Our homes use way more water than you think they need to. The boys dive deep into water efficiency and performance, from toilets to showerheads to hot water recirc systems.

Pete's Resource(s):

1. EPA Water Sense: https://www.epa.gov/watersense

2.  2016 AWWA Residential End Uses of Water - https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/WaterConservationResidential_End_Uses_of_Water.pdf

3. Gary Klein Efficient Hot Water Systems - https://coloradowaterwise.org/Resources/Documents/Green%20Plumbers/Gary_Klein_Protocol_for_Evaluating_a_HWDS.pdf

4. BuildingGreen Water Efficiency: https://www.buildinggreen.com/water-efficiency


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