77 - A New Podcast Topic - Spectacular Solo Question
Featured in this episode--from Suzanne in Bozeman Montana: When renovating, how far should you take performance improvements, on the whole building, on just part of it, or an addition? What about going from the inside versus the outside? What about dealing with windows?
The overall UBIP response? Do as much as you can, in as much of the building as you can, WITH the same control layer priorities: water first, air second, thermal last. But boy are there still a lot of questions to dive into.
Pete's Resources:
1. Building-Wright Building Assessment - https://building-wright.com/2019/02/24/hygrothermal-building-assessment-available-as-a-pdf/
2. READ THIS: Before You Design, Build, or Renovate - https://buildingscience.com/documents/guides-and-manuals/gm-read-this-before-you-design-build-renovate/view